
I’m looking for that perfect candidate

Find the perfect, highly-educated candidate

Here at the High Potential Academy, you’ll find talent ranging from those about to graduate to those with up to 8 years of work experience. Everyone who comes to us is looking for the ideal challenge. They’re exploring what it is they want, what challenges them and what drives them. Perfect for anyone seeking genuine talents.

 We match one-to-one

Companies won’t find a database full of candidates with us. We work one-to-one. It’s true that you’ve come to the right place if you’re looking for high potentials, but we start off by getting to know you. We want to know your organisation through and through before we propose a candidate. So that you get the ultimate candidate, in one go.

Sounding board for HR issues

We’ve gained a lot of expertise in the field of talents and high potentials. That’s why you’re also at the right address with us if you’re looking for a sounding board for HR issues. How do you reel them in, how do you hang on to them? Make use of our experience.

Studentship and flexible layer

Some assignments are too large, too complex or too important to have them performed in a part-time job. But they’re not suitable for a permanent job either. They’re too small, or temporary or they have a pilot status. Studentship is an excellent form in such projects. Put an almost-graduated talent to work on them. Our sister company Studentflex can help you with that. [link to‘I’m looking for talent’ page at Studentflex]. Also an interesting option for anyone looking to expand the flexible layer.

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Jaco is there for you!

Develop your talent

Jaco Breunisse

Back-Office Manager at High Potential Academy



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